Friday, October 30, 2009

Two Little Chicks

Or Ducks. Or Little Birdies. Any way you say it, the babies were a hit at the Maplewood Parade (which isn't a parade, but lots of kids trick or treating in Maplewood Village). Lots of people stopped to say how cute they were—I have to agree—and some even took their picture. Strange. They had a lot of fun cruising around with their monkey friend Nate.

Caleb got sleepy (no nap) so he chilled for a bit.

Even dozed off. Sarah had fun pulling at her tights.

And we get to do it again tomorrow!!


  1. They look so cute! Love the costumes!
    Happy Halloween :)

  2. Those are the cutest birdies every. I love the tights and love Calebs tongue out all the time.

  3. is that NA in a monkey costume? adorable!
