Sunday, November 29, 2009

So much to post, so little time

I know, some serious slacking off over here. But I did go back to work, so that's cut into my free time. And the holiday preparations. We also finished the windows in the attic (well, we paid someone to do it, but we still had to clean the place out and stuff). Plus I wanted to make sure all my unfinished business got finished before I started back to work. I think I pretty much succeeded.
We said goodbye (sniff!) to the exer-saucer and jumper after both babies managed to escape from them.
So Matt decided to fashion a "holding pen" of sorts in the living room. They don't look too upset, do they?

We hired someone to come and install gates and latches and all other sorts of child safety equipment. Yes, we hired someone to do it. We're not handy. At all.

Happy to report that the kids have more free reign in the living room. And judge all you want, but it's not easy watching two little babies crawling (fast) in two different directions!

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