Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trouble with a capital T

I am beyond exhausted today. I was a saint (again - he he) and watched the kids all day - so Matt could watch lots of football (he wants it known that he helped feed the babies). They had me running around ALL DAY. Our house is totally locked down with gates and other safety gear so normally I can let them roam free and not have to chase after them.  Until they got good at climbing. God help me. Don't get me wrong, it was funny and cute at first (thus the photos). But now I just run around screaming "no climbing" and "danger" and removing babies from places they should not be (screaming, throwing their bodies around). Here are some highlights:

The first series is in the 3rd floor playroom. I turned around for ONE second and both C&S have climbed onto their toy chest.


So not only did the climb up and stand up on the toy chest and play with light switches and door knobs, but Caleb also climbed from the toy chest to the radiator. Good times. Rather than hone my discipline skills, I carried them out the playroom and back to their room where there aren't any things to climb (since I removed the rocking chair). Or so I thought.

I actually knew they do these things in their room, but at least when the climb or fall they're a lot closer to the ground and it's carpeted.

The changing table is fun to play in, for those in the market for a changing table, look for good construction. This bottom is about to collapse under their weight.

Oh, and besides the changing table in and of itself, they go after the phone wires, which you can kind of see behind the table. Which is better than the plugs, which was what they (ahem, Caleb) were going after before I switched the changing table and their dresser (which is also locked down with drawer latches. But I digress.

Following dinner, which Matt lovingly made, we let them loose downstairs. And guess what Caleb did? Climbed into (in no particular order): his stroller, his chair (ok, that's allowed), and finally the bench in the front hall. Here we are.


Am now celebrating my sainthood with a glass of wine, a roaring fire, and the Golden Globes. Amen.


  1. Wow, Marci. I have no idea what I'm in for.

  2. It's funny, the first few months you are tired from sleep deprivation, then you get a little break when they are sleeping through the night but not yet mobile, and then you are physically exhausted from chasing. Still, I'll take physical exhaustion over sleep deprivation ANY day ;-)

  3. Who needs the gym when you have twins!

  4. sarah and caleb are SO CUTE. and thanks for posting all this, i am now totally petrified.
