Saturday, February 12, 2011

The good, the bad, and the ugly

The Good:
Bad times often bring out the best in people...and I am so happy to report that I have amazing friends and family. I have had many visitors bring good cheer and good eats. A special thank you to Lizzie for coordinating the "Feed the McLartys" project. Each night brings a different culinary delight...tortila, lasagna, beef bourguignonne. Matt is especially pleased and hope it never ends. It also took a big load off my shoulders. Thank you Lizzie, Katey, Lauren, Briana. Mwah.
My mom and sister gracefully stepped in and helped take care of the brood, and also cook and clean, and so much more. Friends have offered kind words, book recommendations, and even have sent over books. I love our visitors who come chat with me, but I especially love when they play with the twins. I have major guilt over not being with them...which is actually how this whole mess it started. Which leads me to...

The Bad
Pain, lots of it. It's slowly getting better but, man, take my word for up, it really hurts to break your leg. At least this kind of break. And for some reason, the pain medication doesn't really work for me.
The immobility. It really sucks to not be able to get around, mostly because I have two adorable two year olds who are really active, and really funny, and I really want to hang out with them. And also because I have a newborn who, like most newborns, likes to be held while standing, and be rocked, and swayed, and I can't do those things.
And being just a few weeks post pardum just compounds all this stuff.

The Ugly
Check out that bruising!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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