Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We put C&S in their costumes for about an hour - between dinner and bedtime. Unfortunately, we only had 1 trick or treater in that time. Boo.

Checking each other out...

A view from the top!

Waiting for our trick or treaters...
See you next year!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Two Little Chicks

Or Ducks. Or Little Birdies. Any way you say it, the babies were a hit at the Maplewood Parade (which isn't a parade, but lots of kids trick or treating in Maplewood Village). Lots of people stopped to say how cute they were—I have to agree—and some even took their picture. Strange. They had a lot of fun cruising around with their monkey friend Nate.

Caleb got sleepy (no nap) so he chilled for a bit.

Even dozed off. Sarah had fun pulling at her tights.

And we get to do it again tomorrow!!

Baby Proof

We keep the kids pretty contained - here they are in the playroom. This just screams: Let Us Out!!

These keep them from falling down the stairs, so they have to stay for now!

So big

Sarah is SO BIG!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I can't believe how fast this is all going. Caleb took his first step today. Sarah can almost say bye-bye. She knows "so big". And I realized today at Target that they no longer fit into some of my favorite brands/styles of clothes. They only go to 9 months. Seriously? Let's slow this thing down people.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is some of the last outfits that were waiting to be washed and worn. It's strange, I've had so many gifts that were stored for future use. And now we're using them.

Even as I took these off the hanger, I thought they were too big. But they fit perfectly!

Just when I was thinking that the last of all the reserves (clothes, supplies) had been used, Amy came by with more outfits!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Caleb and Sarah are fast outgrowing their 9 month clothes. Here are some photos of them in their new 12 month PJs.
Sarah rocking the pigtails. If only for a minute.

Fun with (unused) diapers.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pictures - not from the Hunt

This photo is from yesterday...which was an uneventful day. But I love Caleb's tongue out here. Sarah does the same, except her's is always to one side while Caleb's is always in the middle.Caleb rocking his long haur, and the tongue.

Can't get enough.

This face, kissy face with sound effects and everything.

I'm experimenting with Sarah's hair. I can barely do my own. Here she is in a "Pebbles" 'do.

Caleb - or Bam-Bam - is intrigued. I am tired.

Caleb goes for it and we take out the clip.

I have to say, for all the hair-pulling and fighting over toys, they are best of friends. My heart melts when they smile at each other. Sharing in some secret from the womb or something.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

From Attic to Playroom

Many of our pictures are taken in the playroom - aka the attic. It was just about a year ago that we finished the attic space. This is what it looked like before.
We put up a wall straight across in line with the cedar closet.

Windows at the front of the house. We had to build a platform to house the ac tubes. The windows will be replaced next.

This is the corner where I currently have my office.

Staircase was scary, we built up some walls. Last thing to do here is to install a railing.

...the cats enjoy this spot very much. 3 of 4 are pictured here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I learn something new every day

Today, Sarah learned to pull herself up. Caleb learned to walk with his new Cozy Coupe. I learned some things, too:
A spoon can keep Caleb busy for about 5 minutes.
Sarah's teeth are sharp and can break skin. Brushing teeth is not fun.
Shop Rite is never not busy.
It's possible to slice off your nail with a vegetable peeler.
God wants me to be happy - at least that's what the Jehovah's witness told me. Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Fun

We had a great day today - Matt and I were excited to spend the day with the babies after missing them yesterday. Yesterday, we went to cousin Ricky's wedding down the shore. The wedding was beautiful and we had a really fun time, but only got to spend a couple hours with the little ones.

They had a great nap this morning, then we went to the diner for lunch (where I saw Lorenzo Borghese from the Bachelor, and Short Hills—this is my second sighting, Meg and I saw him before the show started...I thought he was Jamie Monica when we saw him at Basilico). We then hit Target and finally did our pumpkin carvings.
Caleb attempting escape.
Sarah loving her table from Amy (a recurring theme).
Hanging out in our matching cardigans from Meemaw - funny thing is she bought these for last winter thinking that they'd be big (6-9 month size) but they fit them now perfectly!
Playing together (aka stealing each other's toys)
Pumpkin carving time...

Matt the pumpkin artist
And...tada - Matt carved the two big ones (Matt and me, and the little one on the left. I carved baby pumpkin on the right). Next up, toasted pumpkin seeds!!