Sunday, July 25, 2010

It's Been a While

I know, I know, it's been a long while. But I have a good excuse....see, I'm pregnant, and the first trimester just sucked all the life force out of me. After work all I could do was put the kids to bed and get in bed myself. I slept whenever possible on the weekends. I'm now entering the 2nd trimester and starting to feel human again. I can even stay up until 10pm!

The twins have been growing leaps and bounds these past few months. Sarah's a little chatter box and Caleb runs, jumps and climbs as much as Sarah talks. Caleb is Mr. Personality, a flirt with the ladies and a great dancer (apple doesn't fall far). Sarah is shy with new people, very much a people watcher (border-line stares - again, apple/tree). They are both very happy little people. Every time I think I've got them pegged beyond that, they up and change on me. Caleb was afraid of pools on Memorial Day but now he's a regular little fish. And Sarah who was in and out of the pool at first now clings on to me a bit more.

We had an action-packed week and weekend - with a trip out to visit Amy and David in the Hamptons and a lunch and park excursion in NYC with Mimi and Pop. This was our first overnight trip with the kids—ever. They did great! Even if they did wake up super early every day. The word vacation doesn't quite mean the same thing anymore. Here are some pics from the Hamptons: